Day 4... (hahahs, skip day 3 1st!)
Woke up at 5 am, (I KNOW! OMG!)
Cos we had a travel agent waiting for us at kanchanaburi @ 8am,
Jumped into the shower, prepared, hopped on cab right outside our hotel
and off we go to the Southern bus terminal! :D
After like 30 mins in the cab, we finally arrived at THE bus terminal,
but it turns out he sent up to the wrong terminal!
I think it's the NORTH bus terminal lor, wtf.
So we had to take another cab (This time asking a very fierce looking
thai auntie from the terminal to help us translate to the cabbie driver)
Lol, after 30 mins in the cab "Vomits!"
finally arrived at the REAL south bus terminal
(The cabbie man drove like a maniac!)
Got our tickets to kanchanaburi, had a quick bite
and boarded the bus for a 2 hours ride.
Since it was fairly early, i managed to have a powernap,
and when i woke up and looked at my watch,
i got a shock luh! we were like 1 hour plus late for our tour!!!!
OMG we woke up at 5am and we're still late!
Anyway, reach kachanaburi's terminal and we couldn't find our tour guide..
sobs, i think he left without us, lol afterall we're so late!
Went along with a driver and he agreed to bring us to
Erawan falls, ride elephant and river kwai!

Again, the traveling times was a draaaaag.
traveling time VS playing time
6hours VS 3hours!
After ANOTHER 1 hour of car-ride...
ZzzZzz... We finally arrived at Erawan Falls!
Had to walk abit to get to the 1st tier of waterfall,
but it was so nice! imagine hearing the sound of flowing water
after getting hot/sweaty..

Got to meet some people from ireland at the 1st tier,
went to the 2nd tier and we see people swimming!

Everyone were like screaming and squeaaaaaaaling when they
1st try to put their feet in the water.. lol
cos there were like SOOOOO MANY fishes there,
and they would come and try nibble your feet once you put your feet in!

But it's reeeeeally nice once you get down and swim!
Super shioooook!

But i got tired after swimming for abit and i went to sit by the rocks
and there were like people feeding the fishes just behind me,
so there were like an insaaaaane number of fishes surrounding me,
and it's super super freaky!
They keep nibbling my butt and feeeeet! EEEEEEEWWWW!
Haahas, the guy kept disturbing and scaring the girl that
the really big fish is near her.. gonna nibble her feet etc,
then suddenly we heard him screaming and swimming towards
"our rock" and he said that the big ass fish sucked his leg!
HAHAHAS So much for trying to scare his gf!
After swimming for awhile we kinda got tired and we to dry ourselves,
had lunch at the entrance of the national park,
had their "burger" but only the fries were goooooood.

Spent another hour driving over to the elephant camp!
omgggggggg, so sick of it, thank god singapore is like so tinnnnnny,
the max amt of time we spend to get from one point
to the other is at most of 40 mins?
Lol, it was like raining HEAVILY 5 mins before we reached the elephant camp,
and i was so worried that we won't be able to ride the elephant!!!

Lol, elephant's parking. :x
But it stopped after awhile and after we finish elephant ride
the ground is completely dry from the heat already!
Talk aboutn erratic weather!
and you thought the weather in singapore is crazy...

Here comes "our ride"! hahahs..

Lol, omg i thought i was gonna dieeeee, when we went downslope,
like you know elephants... they seemed really clumsy and all..
omg, i guess their foot is like really grip-y or sth,
cos it's really wet and a lil muddy?

Ahhh, but it was an aweeeeesome experience
even when i started out being really freaked & squirmish.
But it was really sweet!

The guide told us our elephant was a Sheeeee.
then we went towards the river & we went really really deep!

Scary! My heart almost popped out when the guide
slide down the elephant to take pic for us,
i thought he'll be like coming back after taking 1-2 photos for us,
but he just shouted commands at the elephant
and she would listen to his direction!

Omg so cuuuuuute!
He asked boyf to get off the seat and try sitting on his neck,
OOOOOOMG boyf is so daring!
I'll never do that in a gazillion years!

Lol, boyf took a picture of me and there was a HUGE prayer mantis
on my top like around my shoulder and i only saw it there
when i was looking at the pictures on my desktop!!!!
Deleted it immediateeeeeeeeeeeeely!

My colleague said i'm damn sua ku and
singaporean's are super poor thing cos we never see things like that before!
Boohoooooo, i don't even know how a watermelon plantation
look like LORRRRRRRRRR, she says malaysia has like
LOOOOTS of those HUGE mimosa plant. WTFFFFFF.
Ok, gotta go back to work! hehe
Sayonara, Loves!
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